Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Victoria Silvstedt

Sep.19, 1974, time unknown
Skelleftea, Sweden
Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Pluto(and very likely the Ascendant) in Libra make Victoria Silvstedt a stunning beauty with impeccable manners and an intellect to match. Moon in Scorpio makes her sexy and passionate and career-driven. Sun in Virgo makes her a simple and down to earth spirit with a desire to be useful or of service to others. Mercury, her solar ruler, is in Libra giving her beauty, charm, intellect, and a need to be fair or just. Venus in Virgo is prim and proper and has an analytical attitude towards love and affection. They're very organized and like to kip fit or healthy. Mars in Libra conjunct Pluto is very sexy, attractive, and likes to socialize, especially at exclusive gatherings or events. They are very fair and fight for what is right or just. Jupiter in Pisces reveals a more sensitive, artistic, and romantic side of Victoria. She loves music, film , fantasy, photo, art, and contributing to charitable causes. Saturn in Cancer has close ties to family and tradition and learns lessons of security and survival. Uranus in Libra is smart, attractive, artistic, fashionable, and needs to feel free in any relationship. Neptune in Sagittarius is drawn to travel, exotic cultures, and spiritual issues or subjects. Pluto in Libra is very selective when it comes to clothes, art, music, and even relationships

Yasmine Bleeth

Yasmine Bleeth
Jun.14, 1968, time unknown
New York, New York
Gorgeous Yasmine Bleeth has Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Gemini, making her very clever, versatile, and communicative. She likes to laugh and flirt and have many lovers or companions at the same time. She can also make a very good writer, speaker, or reporter. Moon in Aquarius makes her exciting, ingenious, and independant. Jupiter in Leo is very proud and showy. These people are classy and want the best for themselves and others. They like all sorts of entertainment. Saturn in Aries is quite a leader and organizer of activities. Nearly all of them are good with tools and mechanics. Uranus in Vigo wants to work alone and is very much into electronics, computers, and technology. They also like to study health and do something about the environment. Neptune in Scorpio is a generation absorbed by sex, drugs, and the dark mysteries of life. They make excellent spies and researchers. Pluto in Virgo has an all or nothing attitude where work, health, education, or the environment are concerned. Staying pure and living naturally are very important to them.

Tara Reid

Nov.8, 1975, time unknown
Wyckoff, New Jersey, USA
74W10 41N01
Beautiful Tara Reid is a sexy solar Scorpio with the Moon in tough and ambitious Capricorn. The Sun here seeks to live passionately and intensely and the Moon needs to feel a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis. Mercury in Scorpio is secretive, subtle, suspicious, and investigative. Mercury exactly conjunct Uranus in Scorpio seeks or speaks the truth on hidden or occult matters. They are mentally quick, brilliant, and surprising. Venus in Virgo appreciates order, discipline, cleanliness, and punctuality. They tend to have a clinical or analytical attitude towards love and affection. Mars in Cancer has volatile emotions and an active and often stormy home life. They are active as caretakers, cooks, moms, security people, and other Cancer-related professions. Jupiter in Aries likes activity and challenge whether it be sports, work, love, or anything else. They're fast and daring and succeed by taking the initiative. Saturn in Leo gives Tara much drive, confidence, and ambition. These people like to compete and make good coaches or leaders. Uranus in Scorpio likes to explore sex and the dark mysteries of life such as death and the paranormal. Neptune in Sagittarius dreams of traveling to foreign and exotic places and having strange or mystical adventures. Pluto in Libra has extreme views on art, beauty, or justice and experiences heavy or intense relationships with others.