Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Karen Black

Born: Karen Blanche Ziegler
Jul.1,1939, 5:05 AM CDT
(some sources give 1942)
Park Ridge, Illinois, USA
Sun and Ascendant in Cancer make Karen Black a true child of the Moon -emotional, protective, and nurturing in nature with an indomitable will to survive. Her round and expressive facial features express the sensitivity and maternity of this sign. Mercury in Leo conjunct Pluto gives a deep and smouldering pride and creativity, a confident speaking manner, and an interest in acting or role playing. Moon in Capricorn keeps her trim and focused on her career and objectives. Venus in Gemini also gives a slimness and prettyness to the features and a desire for intellectual or mental activity. This Venus sign is noted for its changeable and flirtatious nature in love. Mars in Aquarius is rebellious and independent and a fighter for truth and friends. Jupiter in Aries succeeds by taking the initiative or relying on self. Sarturn in Aries is constantly testing and defining self and develops fine leadership ability. Uranus in Taurus is physical, sensual, and stubborn, and finds unique ways to invest or make money. Neptune in Virgo is part of a generation that idealizes work, order, and cleanlines and are natural critics and analysts. Pluto in Leo people go to extremes in love and play and often find their niche in the entertainment buisness

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