Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Victoria Silvstedt

Sep.19, 1974, time unknown
Skelleftea, Sweden
Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Pluto(and very likely the Ascendant) in Libra make Victoria Silvstedt a stunning beauty with impeccable manners and an intellect to match. Moon in Scorpio makes her sexy and passionate and career-driven. Sun in Virgo makes her a simple and down to earth spirit with a desire to be useful or of service to others. Mercury, her solar ruler, is in Libra giving her beauty, charm, intellect, and a need to be fair or just. Venus in Virgo is prim and proper and has an analytical attitude towards love and affection. They're very organized and like to kip fit or healthy. Mars in Libra conjunct Pluto is very sexy, attractive, and likes to socialize, especially at exclusive gatherings or events. They are very fair and fight for what is right or just. Jupiter in Pisces reveals a more sensitive, artistic, and romantic side of Victoria. She loves music, film , fantasy, photo, art, and contributing to charitable causes. Saturn in Cancer has close ties to family and tradition and learns lessons of security and survival. Uranus in Libra is smart, attractive, artistic, fashionable, and needs to feel free in any relationship. Neptune in Sagittarius is drawn to travel, exotic cultures, and spiritual issues or subjects. Pluto in Libra is very selective when it comes to clothes, art, music, and even relationships

Yasmine Bleeth

Yasmine Bleeth
Jun.14, 1968, time unknown
New York, New York
Gorgeous Yasmine Bleeth has Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Gemini, making her very clever, versatile, and communicative. She likes to laugh and flirt and have many lovers or companions at the same time. She can also make a very good writer, speaker, or reporter. Moon in Aquarius makes her exciting, ingenious, and independant. Jupiter in Leo is very proud and showy. These people are classy and want the best for themselves and others. They like all sorts of entertainment. Saturn in Aries is quite a leader and organizer of activities. Nearly all of them are good with tools and mechanics. Uranus in Vigo wants to work alone and is very much into electronics, computers, and technology. They also like to study health and do something about the environment. Neptune in Scorpio is a generation absorbed by sex, drugs, and the dark mysteries of life. They make excellent spies and researchers. Pluto in Virgo has an all or nothing attitude where work, health, education, or the environment are concerned. Staying pure and living naturally are very important to them.

Tara Reid

Nov.8, 1975, time unknown
Wyckoff, New Jersey, USA
74W10 41N01
Beautiful Tara Reid is a sexy solar Scorpio with the Moon in tough and ambitious Capricorn. The Sun here seeks to live passionately and intensely and the Moon needs to feel a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis. Mercury in Scorpio is secretive, subtle, suspicious, and investigative. Mercury exactly conjunct Uranus in Scorpio seeks or speaks the truth on hidden or occult matters. They are mentally quick, brilliant, and surprising. Venus in Virgo appreciates order, discipline, cleanliness, and punctuality. They tend to have a clinical or analytical attitude towards love and affection. Mars in Cancer has volatile emotions and an active and often stormy home life. They are active as caretakers, cooks, moms, security people, and other Cancer-related professions. Jupiter in Aries likes activity and challenge whether it be sports, work, love, or anything else. They're fast and daring and succeed by taking the initiative. Saturn in Leo gives Tara much drive, confidence, and ambition. These people like to compete and make good coaches or leaders. Uranus in Scorpio likes to explore sex and the dark mysteries of life such as death and the paranormal. Neptune in Sagittarius dreams of traveling to foreign and exotic places and having strange or mystical adventures. Pluto in Libra has extreme views on art, beauty, or justice and experiences heavy or intense relationships with others.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Anette Bullock
Jul.26,1964, 3:15 AM EDT
Arlington County, Virginia, USA
77W07 38N53
Ascendant in Gemini with Mars and Venus gives Sandra Bullock her slim, pretty look and fun to be with persona. Midheaven in Pisces with Saturn makes her shy and sensitive. Moon in Aquarius likes to be different, shocking, and independant. Sun and Mercury in Leo give her a strong and confident inner nature that can be surprisingly firm and dominating. She is a proud and generous spirit who likes to lead or be in charge. Venus in Gemini loves reading and writing and communicating in general. They are witty, humorous, versatile and flirtatious. Mars in Gemini is the tireless thinker who impresses others with his or her ideas, knowledge, and versatility. Jupiter in Taurus likes to accumulate wealth and money and help others with it. Saturn in Pisces is a serious and sensitive soul who is in tune with all things inner, spiritual, or artistic. Uranus in Virgo are technical geniuses who hate following strict schedules or routines. They have a scientific interest in health and hygiene and believe that all animals should be free. Neptune in Scorpio is a generation absorbed by the dark mysteries of life. Their subtlety and depth make them excellent researchers or investigators. Pluto in Virgo is a generation of perfectionists especially when it comes to work or health. Note: I see a strong Aries influence in her chart

Rena Sofer

Born: Rena Sherel Sofer
Dec.2,1968, time unknown
Arcadia, California, USA
Dazzling Rena Sofer typifies the looks and characteristics of her Sagittarian Sun. This is a fun, attractive, and wild lady with a contagious zest for life. Mercury also in Sagittarius is open, honest, sincere, and interested in travel, culture, and philosophy. Moon in Taurus brings Rena down to earth giving her a more practical or buisness side capable of accurately evaluating or assessing. This Moon also gives singing, acting, or artisic talent. Venus in Capricorn keeps Rena slim and organized and ambitious. Mars in Libra makes her pretty, clever, and very active socially. Jupiter also in Libra gains from partnerships and associations and succeeds as a mediator, lawyer, fashion designer, or artist in general. Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Libra has extraordinary social or artistic ability. Saturn in Aries learns the values of staying active and positive and never giving up. They are agressive and competitive and make good leaders, trainers, or managers. Uranus in Libra is a social and artistic genius. They cannot be pinned down in any relationship. Neptune in Scorpio investigates the hidden or occult side of life. They are subtle, secretive, intense, and have erotic imaginations. Pluto in Virgo people can be intensely critical or analytical. They strive for perfect order, purity, and efficiency.

Olsen Twins

Born Ashley and
Mary Kate Olsen
Jun.13, 1986
9:43-45 AM PDT
Van Nuys, California
Born only two minutes apart(Ashley is the older), the Olsen twins have virtually identical horoscopes and therefore identical personalities and lifestyles. Whether it is the Ascendant or the Moon in Leo, these two girls are naturals when it comes to acting or showbuisness. More twins are born under Gemini(or have Gemini planets) than any other sign. Solar Gemenis love games and talking and laughing and all kinds of mental activities. They hate routine and boredom and emotional scenes. Moon in Virgo would make them more conventional and routine. Mercury and Venus in Cancer give them a strong attachment to home and family life and make them very moody and shy. Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn make them very organized, economical, and buisness-savvy. They are plodders who realize their ambitions through sheer persistence. The sex drive is earthy and sensual. Saturn in Sagittarius is a very conservative spiritual influence but Uranus in the same sign challenges this. Neptune in Capricorn makes them very shy and reserved but also gives them a productive imagination. Pluto in Scorpio is powerful in its own sign giving them unusual depth and intensity in whatever they do or think.

Marcia Cross

Mar.25,1962, time unknown
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Sun in Aries makes Marcia Cross a real go-getter. This woman knows what she wants and goes after it. She has confidence, energy, and style. Moon in Scorpio also has lots of passion and drive but in a more sublimated and emotional fashion. Mercury in Pisces sensitizes her perceptive and mental faculties giving her uncanny intuition, a vivid imagination, and a photographic memory. Venus in Aries is an ardent, aggressive, and sexually magnetic placement often found in the horoscopes of enduring actors and actresses. Mars in Pisces oozez with femininity and vulnerability and can be a real tease. They are emotional, artistic, charitable, and can often break down and cry for no apparent reason. Jupiter in Aquarius loves to be different and shocking and independant. They are truthful, friendly, and interested or active in humanitarian causes. Saturn in Aquarius is progressive, inventive, scientific, and basically a loner having few but quality friends. Uranus in Leo has a way of stealing the spotlight, often in a dramatic and grandiose manner. These people are proud, magnetic, creative, generous, and free-loving. Neptune in Scorpio is a generation intrigued by sex, death, and occult matters. Pluto in Virgo is a generation of purists and perfectionists

Lana Turner

Julia Jean Turner
Feb.8, 1920, 12:30 PM
(some sources give 1921)
Wallace. Idaho, USA
With most of her personal planets in air signs, Lana Turner is a real beauty with brains to match. Gemini rising keeps her slender and pretty, and Moon in Libra gives her class and elegance. Sun, Mercury, and the Midheaven all in Aquarius make Lana an independant and freedom-loving spirit, who will occasionally buck the tide or go against convention. She is stubborn, original, brilliant, truth-seeking, and determined, with an ingrained desire to help humanity in some way. Venus in Capricorn makes her serious in love and shrewd in buisness. Mars in Scorpio makes her dangerous, passionate, and intense. Jupiter in Leo gives success and opportunity in the arts and entertainment. Personally, it gives warmth, pride, generosity, and a love of show and splendor. Jupiter comjunct Neptune gives an aura of glamour and mystery and importance. Saturn in Virgo is controlled and disciplined and gets all the hard and unpleasant work done. Uranus in Pisces is extremely sensitive and intuitive and believes and freely explores the mystical arts and sciences. Neptune in Leo is the Hollywood generation enamoured with fame, glamour, and entertainment in general. Pluto in Cancer individuals mean buisness when it comes to family, security, and emotional issues

Karen Black

Born: Karen Blanche Ziegler
Jul.1,1939, 5:05 AM CDT
(some sources give 1942)
Park Ridge, Illinois, USA
Sun and Ascendant in Cancer make Karen Black a true child of the Moon -emotional, protective, and nurturing in nature with an indomitable will to survive. Her round and expressive facial features express the sensitivity and maternity of this sign. Mercury in Leo conjunct Pluto gives a deep and smouldering pride and creativity, a confident speaking manner, and an interest in acting or role playing. Moon in Capricorn keeps her trim and focused on her career and objectives. Venus in Gemini also gives a slimness and prettyness to the features and a desire for intellectual or mental activity. This Venus sign is noted for its changeable and flirtatious nature in love. Mars in Aquarius is rebellious and independent and a fighter for truth and friends. Jupiter in Aries succeeds by taking the initiative or relying on self. Sarturn in Aries is constantly testing and defining self and develops fine leadership ability. Uranus in Taurus is physical, sensual, and stubborn, and finds unique ways to invest or make money. Neptune in Virgo is part of a generation that idealizes work, order, and cleanlines and are natural critics and analysts. Pluto in Leo people go to extremes in love and play and often find their niche in the entertainment buisness

Jeri Ryan

Born: Jeri Lynn Zimmerman
Feb.22,1968, time unknown
Munich, Germany
Jeri Ryan is a true New Ager. In one episode on Boston Public she introduces the possibility of reincarnation to her students. Jeri's Sun in Pisces gives her a natural mystical bent and her Moon in Sagittarius gives her a need for spiritual or religious experiences. Mercury in Aquarius makes her brilliant, truthful, and original, and interested in humanitarian causes. Venus in Aquarius gives her a desire for frienship and for strange or unusual activities. Mars in Aries gives her all the energy and confidence she needs. Jupiter in Virgo makes her interested in health and education. Saturn in Aries makes her confront issues of self. Uranus in Virgo makes her tech-minded and interested in improving the environment. Neptune in Scorpio gives her a fascination for all that is dark or forbidden. Pluto in Virgo gives her an all-or-nothing attitude in matters of health and work

Ida Lupino

Born Feb.4,1918
(some give 1914)
London, England, UK
A grand trine in air makes Ida Lupino very beautiful and intelligent. Ascendant and Mars are in Libra making her attractive, challenging, and very active socially. Midheaven and Pluto in Cancer focus on home and family issues which dominate the life. Moon in Scorpio is sexually magnetic and emotionally intense. Sun, Venus, and Uranus conjunct in Aquarius make Ida extremely independant and freedom-loving with a keen desire for, truth, originality, and friendship. Mercury in Capricorn gives much needed control, shrewdness, and common sense. Jupiter in Gemini looks to expand its intellectual horizons and succeeds in any form of communication. Saturn in Leo wants respect and recognition and has leaderhip and managerial capacity. Neptune also in Leo is obssessed with fame, love, and glamour.

Hayley Mills

Hayley Catherine Rose Vivien Mills
Apr.18,1946, 11:40 PM BST
London, England
Lovely Hayley Mills is a fiery and energetic Sun in Aries with open, bubbly, and cheerful Sagittarius rising. The Sun here is very positive and forward-looking and refuses to give up on its dreams or accept defeat in any way. Moon in Scorpio gives passion, depth, and emotional whack and power. They can sense things instantly and take appropriate action. Mercury in Aries is quick, clever, impulsive, and impatient, and has mechanical or inventive ability. They also make good dentists, optometrists, hairdressers, and other Aries-related vocations. Venus in Taurus is strong in its own sign giving much needed patience, practicality, and resourcefulness. They make great builders, owners, buyers, and sellers. Mars in Cancer gives a stormy emotional nature and an active and often tempestuous home life. They have vivid and very excitable imaginations and excel as storytellers, humourists, painters, cooks, parents, or homemakers. Jupiter in Libra is bright, attractive, sociable, and succeeds in most partnerships or joint ventures. Like Venus in Taurus, they often have musical or artistic talent. Saturn in Cancer is highly sensitive and emotional and strongly devoted to home and family life. They are good providers and have strong survival instincts. Uranus in Gemini makes Hayley bright, attractive, humorous, and a genius with words, phrases, and ideas in general. They are strong supporters of free speech and education. Neptune in Libra gives Hayley and her generation a strong psychological need for beauty, peace, and harmony, and many make natural poets, artists, or musicians. Pluto in Leo people go to extremes where love, leisure, and creativity are concerned, and often find their niche in the entertainment buisness.

Born: Elisha Ann Cuthbert
Nov.30, 1982, time unknown
Cagary Alberta, Canada
Leo rising? gives Elisha Cuthbert her sunny, sexy look. Moon in Gemini is also pretty and smart and somewhat of a flirt. Sun in Sagittarius is the real Cuthbert -an open, honest, and wholesome girl who likes adventure and the outdoors and who has a strong faith or belief in providence. Sun conjunct Uranus gives gives an excitable, unpredictable, and freedom-loving ego. Mercury in Sagittarius communicates in an open or blunt manner, is optimistic, idealistic, and knowledgeable about travel and matters of faith. Venus in Sagittarius loves nature, outdoor activity, open and honest relations, and has firm religious or moral values. Mars in Capricorn is cautious, controlled, excels in planning and organizing, and has an earthy or sensual sex drive. Jupiter in Scorpio invites danger and intrigue and explores the mystical or spiritual side of sex and the occult. Saturn also in Scorpio learns to restrain the emotions and passions, has keen survival instincts, and is a serious student of the occult. Uranus in Sagittarius is wild and freedom-loving, travels on the spur of the moment, and questions traditional spiritual beliefs or ideologies. Neptune also in in Sagittarius is absorbed with travel, exploration, adventure, and trying to solve the big questions of life. Pluto in Libra gives exceptional beauty, charm, or ability to deal with people and relationships

Diana Rigg

Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg
Jul.20,1938, 2 AM BST
Doncaster, Yorkshire, England
Ascendant in Gemini and Midheaven in Aquarius combine to give Diana Rigg a very attractive, cool, and intelligent persona. Moon in Aries combined with Saturn is the strong, action-oriented side of Diana. This woman needs to keep busy, thrives on challenge, and likes to do things quickly. Mercury in Leo thinks and speaks confidently and has dramatic flair. Behind the cool and the suave is Sun, Mars, and Pluto conjunct in Cancer which reveals an explosive emotional interior. Sun in Cancer is proud of one's home, family, roots, and tradition. Mars in Cancer has volatile emotions and an active and turbulent home life. The phrase "emotions can kill" is a very apt description of Pluto in Cancer. Venus in Virgo likes to be proper and clean and enjoys working out. Jupiter in Pisces loves film, art, mystery, and romance, as well as water sports. In her solar ninth, Jupiter stimulates religious or spiritual interests and activities. Uranus in Taurus has an interst in finance and geophysics. In her solar eleventh, Uranus activates friendship and humanitarian pursuits. Neptune in Virgo people have a strong penchant for order and cleanliness and find escape or solace through work or physical activity

Claire Forlani

Jul.1, 1972, time unknown
Twickenham, London
U.K. 0W20 51N27
Attractive Claire Forlani is a Sun in Cancer giving her strong maternal and security instincts. She is happiest when taking care of others or in familliar surroundings. Moon in Pisces trine the Sun makes her glamourous and well-liked. Mercury in Leo conjunct Mars is bold and aggressive in speech and thinks big and noble thoughts. Venus in Gemini conjunct Saturn knows how to say the right things at the right time. They are quality readers, writers, speakers, and enjoy a variety of relationships in both friendship and love. Mars in Leo is proud, bossy, and dramatic, and and likes to play or have fun in general. Jupiter in Capricorn knows how to save and economize, and climb the ladder of success. They can be shy, cautious, and know how to use timing to their advantage. Saturn in Gemeni is good with words and phrases and can make a fine writer or teacher. Uranus in Libra is bright, artistic, sociable, attractive, and wants relationships with no strings attached. Neptune in in Sagittarius likes travelling and exploring and contemplating spiritual or religious issues. Pluto in Virgo is very particular when it comes to work or health issues

Barbara Feldon

Born: Barbara Hall
Mar.12, 1941, time unknown
(some sources give 1932)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
USA 80W00 40N26
Lovely Barbara Feldon is a Sun in Pisces native with the Moon in Virgo making her a balanced blend of sensitivity and discrimination, compassion and discipline. Mercury in Aquarius gives a fine intellect and a strong interest in humanitarian subjects and pursuits. They are basically honest, forward looking, and truth and freedom-loving. Venus in Pisces is highly emotional and romantic and has musical or artistic talent. They also enjoy film, photography, and the psychic arts. Mars in Capricorn puts a level head on the native's shoulders making her practical and organized(many show good mathematial ability). For solar Pisceans, this Mars activates their eleventh house, so that they are active with friends and groups in scientific or humanitarian ventures. Three big planets in Taurus have a very stabilizing effect on this Piscean, especially on the mental or communicative level(Taurus is the third house for Pisces). Jupiter here gives a good education and the money to pay or it. Saturn here implies much work or discipline to achieve excellence, and Uranus gives uniqueness or ingenuity. No doubt she would excel as a singer, speaker, or writer, especially on matters concerning finance or art. These planets also complete her grand earth trine giving her social and financial success. Neptune in Virgo is a generation of dutiful workers and servers who have a high regard for purity, perfection, and cleanliness. Pluto in Leo is a generation creative extremists who produce exceptional dramas, plays, and works of art.

Annie Lennox

Griselda Anne Lennox
Dec.25, 1954
popular British singer/actress
achieving her greatest fame as lead
singer of the Eurythmics(1980's) and
producing such hits as Sweet Dreams
(Are Made of This), Here Comes the
Rain Again, Would I Lie To You,
A Whiter Shade of Pale, Who's
That Girl, and There Must be an
Angel(Playing With My Heart)
We believe Annie Lennox has Libra rising which would put her birth time very close to midnight on Christmas eve. Ascendant in Libra, with Neptune gives Annie Lennox her delicately beautiful features. Midheaven in Cancer suggests a caring and nurturing alter ego. Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Capricorn is Annie's true off-stage self: a serious and hardworking climber who builds herself one step at a time. Personally, she is shy and withdrawn and cautious in all her dealings. The last thing she wants is a scandalous reputation. Venus and Saturn in Scorpio give her incredible depth and regenerative ability. She is well equipped to face the dark and disturbing issues of life, and is a natural investigator and survivor. Mars in Pisces is her softer, more sensitive, and emotional self -the self that wants to cry or fantasize or just let go. Jupiter and Uranus in Cancer give her fantastic imagination and intuition and a domestic sense, which nicely balances her Capricorn planets. Neptune in Libra with the Ascendant is her psychedelic or David Bowie image(Bowie also has the same Sun/Ascendant/Neptune configuration) and her fascination with beauty and art and music. Pluto in Leo is her and her generation's inclination to express and exploit the creative urge to its fullest.