Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Olsen Twins

Born Ashley and
Mary Kate Olsen
Jun.13, 1986
9:43-45 AM PDT
Van Nuys, California
Born only two minutes apart(Ashley is the older), the Olsen twins have virtually identical horoscopes and therefore identical personalities and lifestyles. Whether it is the Ascendant or the Moon in Leo, these two girls are naturals when it comes to acting or showbuisness. More twins are born under Gemini(or have Gemini planets) than any other sign. Solar Gemenis love games and talking and laughing and all kinds of mental activities. They hate routine and boredom and emotional scenes. Moon in Virgo would make them more conventional and routine. Mercury and Venus in Cancer give them a strong attachment to home and family life and make them very moody and shy. Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn make them very organized, economical, and buisness-savvy. They are plodders who realize their ambitions through sheer persistence. The sex drive is earthy and sensual. Saturn in Sagittarius is a very conservative spiritual influence but Uranus in the same sign challenges this. Neptune in Capricorn makes them very shy and reserved but also gives them a productive imagination. Pluto in Scorpio is powerful in its own sign giving them unusual depth and intensity in whatever they do or think.

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