Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hayley Mills

Hayley Catherine Rose Vivien Mills
Apr.18,1946, 11:40 PM BST
London, England
Lovely Hayley Mills is a fiery and energetic Sun in Aries with open, bubbly, and cheerful Sagittarius rising. The Sun here is very positive and forward-looking and refuses to give up on its dreams or accept defeat in any way. Moon in Scorpio gives passion, depth, and emotional whack and power. They can sense things instantly and take appropriate action. Mercury in Aries is quick, clever, impulsive, and impatient, and has mechanical or inventive ability. They also make good dentists, optometrists, hairdressers, and other Aries-related vocations. Venus in Taurus is strong in its own sign giving much needed patience, practicality, and resourcefulness. They make great builders, owners, buyers, and sellers. Mars in Cancer gives a stormy emotional nature and an active and often tempestuous home life. They have vivid and very excitable imaginations and excel as storytellers, humourists, painters, cooks, parents, or homemakers. Jupiter in Libra is bright, attractive, sociable, and succeeds in most partnerships or joint ventures. Like Venus in Taurus, they often have musical or artistic talent. Saturn in Cancer is highly sensitive and emotional and strongly devoted to home and family life. They are good providers and have strong survival instincts. Uranus in Gemini makes Hayley bright, attractive, humorous, and a genius with words, phrases, and ideas in general. They are strong supporters of free speech and education. Neptune in Libra gives Hayley and her generation a strong psychological need for beauty, peace, and harmony, and many make natural poets, artists, or musicians. Pluto in Leo people go to extremes where love, leisure, and creativity are concerned, and often find their niche in the entertainment buisness.

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