Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Barbara Feldon

Born: Barbara Hall
Mar.12, 1941, time unknown
(some sources give 1932)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
USA 80W00 40N26
Lovely Barbara Feldon is a Sun in Pisces native with the Moon in Virgo making her a balanced blend of sensitivity and discrimination, compassion and discipline. Mercury in Aquarius gives a fine intellect and a strong interest in humanitarian subjects and pursuits. They are basically honest, forward looking, and truth and freedom-loving. Venus in Pisces is highly emotional and romantic and has musical or artistic talent. They also enjoy film, photography, and the psychic arts. Mars in Capricorn puts a level head on the native's shoulders making her practical and organized(many show good mathematial ability). For solar Pisceans, this Mars activates their eleventh house, so that they are active with friends and groups in scientific or humanitarian ventures. Three big planets in Taurus have a very stabilizing effect on this Piscean, especially on the mental or communicative level(Taurus is the third house for Pisces). Jupiter here gives a good education and the money to pay or it. Saturn here implies much work or discipline to achieve excellence, and Uranus gives uniqueness or ingenuity. No doubt she would excel as a singer, speaker, or writer, especially on matters concerning finance or art. These planets also complete her grand earth trine giving her social and financial success. Neptune in Virgo is a generation of dutiful workers and servers who have a high regard for purity, perfection, and cleanliness. Pluto in Leo is a generation creative extremists who produce exceptional dramas, plays, and works of art.

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