Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rena Sofer

Born: Rena Sherel Sofer
Dec.2,1968, time unknown
Arcadia, California, USA
Dazzling Rena Sofer typifies the looks and characteristics of her Sagittarian Sun. This is a fun, attractive, and wild lady with a contagious zest for life. Mercury also in Sagittarius is open, honest, sincere, and interested in travel, culture, and philosophy. Moon in Taurus brings Rena down to earth giving her a more practical or buisness side capable of accurately evaluating or assessing. This Moon also gives singing, acting, or artisic talent. Venus in Capricorn keeps Rena slim and organized and ambitious. Mars in Libra makes her pretty, clever, and very active socially. Jupiter also in Libra gains from partnerships and associations and succeeds as a mediator, lawyer, fashion designer, or artist in general. Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Libra has extraordinary social or artistic ability. Saturn in Aries learns the values of staying active and positive and never giving up. They are agressive and competitive and make good leaders, trainers, or managers. Uranus in Libra is a social and artistic genius. They cannot be pinned down in any relationship. Neptune in Scorpio investigates the hidden or occult side of life. They are subtle, secretive, intense, and have erotic imaginations. Pluto in Virgo people can be intensely critical or analytical. They strive for perfect order, purity, and efficiency.

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